NIME Club Shanghai | Community, Education, Performance


NIME Club Shanghai 新音乐界面研制小组 is a music hacking group organized by two NYU ITP alumni Caren Wenqing Ye and Chun Song between 2020.9.20-2021.3.7. We had regular meetups over half a year at Xinchejian, a maker space in Shanghai, cumulating in a group NIME show with 150+ attendees. Some  members went on and performed at the “real” NIME Conference 2021 held in Shanghai that year.

Besides being the facilitator, I am also a participator, performed my NIME (New Interfaces for Musical Expression) piece: Wandering Song, which I used Unreal Engine for creating a real-time interactive spatial audiovisual performance.

Our sessions were held weekly and involved lectures, music and technology workshops, guest speakers, and working sessions to develope NIME projects both indivisually and in collaboration with the group.

Photos of official NIME Conference 2021:

 NIME Shanghai Weekly Sessions: